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Inside planters: take two

June 20, 2011

For some reason I am generally unable to grow plants indoors.  I once killed a cactus because I forgot to water it often enough, and lets be honest, they don’t require an excess of hydration.   Outdoors  I manage OK (right now my tomato plants are doing magnificently, even if I don’t say to-may-toe).

Anyway, despite my brown thumb with houseplants, a while back I bought these beautiful upside down Boskke planters – I thought that having such gorgeous vessels would make me more attentive to their contents.  (Also, in addition to looking good they have a water reservoir that means they need less frequent care) I went out and filled with various herbs and vegetables, and a surfeit of optimism – all of which wilted and died (including my confidence).  It was very upsetting.  This year I got suggestions from my local garden supply store and decided to plant some decorative plants that are known to thrive without the need for too much water!  So far they are doing great, I’m particularly pleased that my orchid is still flowering.  And its cool to watch the plants fighting gravity to grow up the right way to the light.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. June 24, 2011 8:30 am

    I have never seen these, but I love them! I’m pretty good with indoor plants, and have had some since highschool. How do they hang, from a hook?

    • June 24, 2011 9:06 pm

      Yes, I am jealous of your green thumb rebecca: but maybe I need to practice, since high school is a few years of trying! And yes, they hang from a hook, and being a bit crazy I couldn’t find any hooks I liked enough to put on my ceiling so I used the kind that worked with the butterfly/expansion bolts because they were simpler looking hooks, but now I have big holes in the ceiling I have got to patch!

  2. June 24, 2011 8:43 am

    How does that work????

    • June 24, 2011 9:13 pm

      The upsidedownness? I have no idea, but I was once at the Mass Moca and they had whole trees growing upside down which worked and was pretty amazing!

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